MCAA Latam Conference 2023 developments.
The MCAA Latam Conference 2023 organizing team, composed by the Marie Curie Alumni Association (MCAA) Latam Chapters led by the MCAA Andean-Caribbean Chapter, EURAXESS LAC, Colombia Challenge your Knowledge (CCYK) Association and the MSCA National Contact Points (NCPs) Colombia Network, wishes to express its gratitude to all the partners that supported and contributed to the successful organization and materialization of this event, as well as to all the on-site and remote attendants for their invaluable participation throughout the different discussions and debates. Special thanks to Universidad Tecnológica de Bolívar (UTB) for hosting this unforgettable event at beautiful Cartagena de Indias in Colombia.
The organizing team has elaborated a Conference Report which summarizes the sessions covered during the MCAA Latam Conference 2023 and comprises the conclusions and recommendations derived from such sessions around Scientific Cooperation in Latin America. Please find it attached to this email. Feel free to distribute and disseminate these conclusions within and beyond your networks.
Highlighted Activities
Conference Day 1 - October 27th.
Conference Day 2 - October 28th.
Video of conclusions and acknowledgements
We look forward to future gatherings and initiatives derived from the synergies, ideas and learnings of this conference around Scientific Cooperation, Science Diplomacy, Citizen Science, Regional Development and Sustainability, among others, in the framework of the research exchange and collaboration between Latin America and Europe.
The 3rd MCAA LATAM Conference will take place at the Universidad Tecnológica de Bolívar (MSCA NCP Coordinator), Manga Campus, Cartagena de Indias, Colombia.
Highlighted Activities

Session on MSCA promotion and testimonials

Session on research Proposals Tips and Tricks


Short story

Panel and keynote sessions on: Scientific Cooperation in Latin America, International Scientific Cooperation for SDGs Development in Latam, Citizen Science: Involving Latam Society in Research, University-Firm Collaboration and Innovation Systems

Organizers & Partners
- MCAA Andean-Caribbean, Argentina, Brazil, Chile and Mexico Chapters, with the support of the MCAA Board
- Euraxess Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC)
- Universidad Tecnológica de Bolívar (MSCA Colombia NCP Coordinator)
- MSCA Colombia National Contact Points Network
- Colombia Challenge Your Knowledge (CCYK) Association
- National Academic Network of Advanced Technology (RENATA).
14:00 – 15:30 / MSCAA Latam Chapters Board Meeting
Board meeting of MCAA Latam chapters. Introduction and updates per each Latam chapter (20-30 min per chapter).
Parallel session for ORI and Research IES CCYK Directors.
15:30-16:00 / Coffee Break
16:00-17:00 / Round Table: Joint Projects/Initiatives among MCAA Latam Chapters
Informal discussion on joint initiatives/projects from the MCAA Latam Chapters.
17:00-18:00 / Horizon Europe and MSCA Latest Calls: Latam Results and Metrics
Viktoria Bodnarova (Euraxess LAC Coordinator) and Catherine Fonseca (UTB / MSCA NCP Coordinator) will share insights on the results and metrics from Latam participation in the latest MSCA calls.
20:00 / Conference Gala Dinner [MCAA Latam Chapters and CCYK Networking Meeting]
8:00-8:30 / Welcome and Registration
Batches delivery and attendance signing.
8:30-9:30 / Conference Opening and Keynote Lecture
Welcome words by an MCAA Board Representative (TBD), Sergio Manrique -On-Site- (MCAA Andean-Caribbean Chapter Chair), Gilles Bertrand -Remote- (EU Ambassador in Colombia) and Giovanni Anzola/Alejandra Gonzalez -On-Site- (CCYK Colombia).
Keynote lecture by Simone Sasso -Remote- (Economist and Policy Analyst at European Commission’s Joint Research Centre).
9:30-10:30 / Plenary Session on Scientific Cooperation in Latam for Regional Development
Representatives from the different MCAA Latam chapters will discuss how scientific cooperation in the Latin America region can have a positive impact in its regional development.
Panellists -On-Site-: Camilo Puerto (Moderator – CCYK), Jairo Montoya (MCAA Andean-Caribbean Chapter), Virginia Albarracin (MCAA Argentina Chapter), Leonardo Dall’Agnol (MCAA Brazil Chapter), Alejandro Tapia (MCAA Chile Chapter) and Daniel Ríos (MCAA Mexico Chapter).
10:30-11:00 / Coffee Break and Networking
11:00-12:30 / Session on International Scientific Cooperation for SDGs Development in Latam
Organized by MCAA Mexico Chapter. Details to be confirmed.
12:30-14:00 / Lunch and Networking
14:00-15:30 / Session on Citizen Science: Involving Latam Society in Research Organized by MCAA Brazil Chapter.
15:30-16:00 / Coffee Break and Networking
16:00-17:30 / Open Session on MSCA Promotion and Testimonials
MSCA funding opportunities talk by Catherine Fonseca (UTB / MSCA NCP Coordinator) and Camilo Puerto (CCYK).
Horizon Europe presentation by Viktoria Bodnarova (Euraxess LAC).
MSCA Alumni testimonials by Sergio Manrique (MCAA Andean-Caribbean Chapter Chair).
8:00-8:30 / Welcome and Registration Attendance signing.
8:30-9:30 / Panel Session on Science Diplomacy in Colombia and Latin America
Organized by MCAA Andean-Caribbean Chapter and CCYK. The panel will be made up of Colombia/Latam academic and non-academic actors to discuss Science Diplomacy. The panel will include the participation of a Director of International relations from CCYK, researcher(s), private sector representative(s), research director(s) and Euraxess representative(s).
9:30-10:30 / Round Table/Plenary Session on Research Proposals Tips and Tricks
Representatives from the different MCAA Latam chapters provide advice on grant writing and research proposals tips and tricks. Potential remote participation of Praveen Kumar (MCAA Career Development Working Group).
10:30-11:00 / Coffee Break y Networking
11:00-12:30 / Poster Session
Remote and on-site poster presentations/tour. Call open to on-site presenters (MCAA Latam chapters’ members and local academic audience attending on-site) and remote presenters (regional academic audience attending remotely).
12:00-13:00 / Conference Closing and Conclusions
Launch/promotion of MCAA Andean-Caribbean and Mexico chapters.
Presentation of potential joint activities among MCAA Latam Chapters and CCYK (conclusions from pre-conference meetings).
Best poster award and best short story award.
Closing words by UTB Directive.
Farewell by Viktoria Bodnarova (Euraxess LAC Coordinator).
13:00 / Lunch and Networking.
The conference on-site participation is available for approved MCAA Latam chapters’ members and Euraxess/CCYK/MSCA NCP invited stakeholders. Remote/virtual participation (broadcasting) will be open to all other MCAA members and the whole Latam regional academic community.
The session on MSCA Promotion and Testimonials (Day 1 – 16:00) will be open to the local academic audience subject to pre-registration.
The poster session (Day 2 – 11:00) will include on–site presenters (MCAA Latam chapters’ members and local academic audience attending on-site) and remote presenters (other MCAA members and regional academic audience attending remotely).
The short story competition is open to all MCAA members in Ibero-America countries. The best story winner will be selected by September and brought to attend the conference on-site, where she/he will be recognized at the closing ceremony.
RENATA network will take advantage of the Marie Curie alumni presence at the conference to record testimonials.
For any queries please contact andean-caribbean.chapter@mariecuriealumni.eu or info@ccyk.com.co